Our Services

Our specialized early-stage services are designed to provide comprehensive guidance, leveraging our expertise in navigating the unique challenges of business development during these crucial phases. With a proven record of success stories in our portfolio, Sommar is your trusted partner in propelling startups and businesses to new heights.

Learn More About Our Comprehensive Suite of Digital Services

  • Begin your startup journey with comprehensive market research to validate your business idea and identify target audiences. This service helps you gather crucial data on industry trends and competition, providing insights to refine your value proposition and validate the viability of your venture.

  • After gaining initial market insights, create detailed customer personas to deeply understand your target audience's unique pain points, preferences, and behaviors. These personas serve as a compass for fine-tuning your product to meet their needs.

  • After gaining a strong understanding of your audience and validating your concept, seek guidance on creating functional minimum viable products (MVPs) or prototypes. This will allow you to test your ideas with real users, gather invaluable feedback, and iterate on your product while ensuring alignment with market demands.

  • With a prototype in hand, embark on Lean Startup Methodology Coaching to swiftly validate your business idea, minimize risks, and make data-driven decisions. Collaborate with experienced coaches proficient in Lean methodologies to efficiently navigate the early stages of your startup journey.

  • Once you have a validated concept and an MVP or prototype, craft a compelling pitch deck that captivates investors and stakeholders. Weave compelling narratives supported by robust market analysis, financial projections, and a crystal-clear value proposition. Seek guidance and feedback from experts to elevate your pitch, enhancing your odds of securing funding and partnerships.

  • Engage real users continuously through Prototype Testing and User Feedback. Gather first-hand feedback and iterate your product based on their insights. This iterative process ensures your product evolves in harmony with user needs, setting the stage for a strong product-market fit and market success.

  • As you prepare for your product or service launch, we help you optimize your online presence with a user-friendly website while implementing a CRM system for efficient customer data management and personalized interactions, ensuring effective engagement with your audience.

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